redefining the field edge to improve profitability, wildlife habitat and water quality field day
Brent Johnson Farm 1811 Ralston Ave Manson, IA 50563ILF@IASATE.EDU OR 515.294.5429
ILF@IASATE.EDU OR 515.294.5429
The Spring Field Tour is an extension of our Agricultural Drainage + Future of Water Quality Workshop. This year, we are offering both the option to ride the tour bus or caravan behind the bus in the comfort of your own vehicle and listen to the tour virtually. There will also be opportunities to get Read more about ISG 2022 Spring Field Tour[…]
Contact: Ehsan Ghane To assist farmers as they prepare for potential issues and concerns during the growing season, Michigan State University Extension will host the Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series every Thursday from 7-8 a.m. beginning March 31 through Sept. 22 via Zoom. Topic areas are loosely established at the beginning of the series based on historical trends. However, Read more about Field Crops Virtual Breakfast: How to Get the Best out of Your Drainage System with Ehsan Ghane[…]
Session 1: (2 CEUs) Drainage Design and Soils: Soil and water concepts & tools, fundamentals in drainage design, and design tools Session 1 will introduce participants to soil and water interactions and how soil properties impact water movement, availability, and crop health. Participants will then learn how drainage systems are utilized to improve productivity and Read more about ADMC Drainage Water Management Certification[…]
FREE Garage Parking LICA Members we are in for a treat! The Ameristar Casino, Resort, & Spa has so much to offer without leaving the building! There are more than 5 restaurants onsite including: Amerisports Bar & Grill, Bugatti's Steak & Pasta, Falcon Diner and more. Let's not forget about the gaming - for adults Read more about 2022 NATIONAL LICA SUMMER MEETING[…]
Elevating Conservation to New Heights
RSVP’s must be received by July 23rd, only 25 team spots available!
Drought is continuing to intensify across portions of the Midwest this year, and over the past several years severe drought has plagued much of the upper Midwest and northern Plains. This month's edition of The Current Webinar Series will discuss water management during drought - from the latest irrigation technologies to livestock water management. Tune Read more about Water Management During Drought[…]
Online only- This certification course will explain how soil properties impact water movement, principles of DWM, & advanced DWM concepts. Session 1: (2 CEUs) Drainage Design and Soils: Soil and water concepts & tools, fundamentals in drainage design, and design tools Session 2: (1.5 CEUs) DWM Design Introduction to Drainage Water Management design Session 3: Read more about DRAINAGE WATER MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION COURSE[…]
Demonstration at 11am or 4pm See & Learn About: •Constructed tile-treatment wetlands •Restored wetlands •Habitat restoration / management techniques •Farm-based nutrient loss reduction practices •Current conservation program opportunities