Call 811 Before You Dig

A black t-shirt with a skull and crossbones on it.

Do you know what’s below the ground? It’s a simple question, but many excavators are not aware that buried beneath the ground is an extensive network of millions of miles of pipes, wires and cables that transport natural gas and other energy resources, electricity, telecommunications, water, and sewage. Contacting 811 is more than a call. Contacting 811 prior to excavating is just one of the critical steps that must be taken to help prevent undesirable impacts such as an injury or a life-threatening situation, property damage, environmental harms, and financial loss when an excavation damages underground utilities. A “Call before you Dig,†One Call notification system, 811, exists in every state, and the call is toll-free.

Pipeline damages may be low-frequency events, but have high consequences. Watch two powerful 10-minute videos of why everyone should protect what really matters and to call 811 before you dig!

12 Inches From Mishap – YouTube 

Pipeline Safety: Call Before You Dig – YouTube

Here is a sample list of activities that are often thought of as farming, but are also classified as excavating, which should prompt a call to 811:

Drain tilingTrenching
TerracingDitch cleaning
RippingInstalling irrigation wells
Deep tillingInstalling waterways
ContouringTree or stump removal/clearing
Deep soil samplingFence installation